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Our Values

Our every move is governed by these four values. They keep us focused and grounded, heading in the right direction. 

Do Good

We are here to make a positive difference in the communities we engage with. Every choice we make is governed by a desire to do good for others, not just for ourselves or profits.


Bringing in people from diverse backgrounds both in the small business acquisition space and in our team is not only the best thing to do for the world, but also creates a stronger, more vibrant and more successful company.

Less Friction

Any time we build something new is to break down a barrier, reduce a step and make things easier, both internally, as a team, and externally, for our customers, partners and users.

Personal Leadership

We trust the people we hire to do their best work, and put them in a position to succeed, working the way they want to work, cutting the red-tape. Everyone is here thanks to their passion for small businesses.