Category: Buyers

Read the latest news and resources on buying and selling businesses.

Managing Your Deal: Places for Personalization

Search fund beginners are often encouraged to “personalize their outreach” in order to make progress with intermediaries...

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How to Build a Better Search Thesis

A search thesis is your strategic blueprint in business acquisitions, focusing your efforts and allowing you to...

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Infographic: Small Business M&A Market Overview – Q1 2024

One of our goals for 2024 is to capitalize on our existing advantages to augment the value...

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Getting Better Data Insights Through Industry Comparables

One consistent challenge facing the small business M&A industry is a lack of consistent and useful data...

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How to Buy a Small Business: Where to Raise Equity

Before beginning their search process, buyers should have a clear understanding of the funding sources they’re going...

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5 Inside Tips on Working With Business Brokers and Intermediaries from...

On November 15, 2023, we had the privilege of hosting Sarah Goodman for an engaging discussion on...

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Traditional vs. Self-Funded Business Acquisition

Buyers of small businesses use a wide diversity of strategies to find and close their acquisitions. However,...

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Master Your Destiny: Buying a Business Aligned with Your Expertise

Every morning, as the sun starts to peer through her bedroom window, Lisa anxiously reaches for her...

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Turkey Day Turnaround: Transforming Holiday Stress into Success with Private Market...

While Thanksgiving  is synonymous with family, friends, good food, and football, conversations with old acquaintances and around...

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Crafting Success: Align Your Expertise with Your Business Acquisition Journey

As the field of Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition (ETA) grows and more people in the community speak out...

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